FRENCH Version

Hello and welcome to the new version of the French fansite about In Flames: Mysweetforum.fr

As we wanted to put this new website online as soon as possible, especially before the date the upcoming album will be released, the content of each article is just a rough copy of what one could already find on the old MSF version.

However, this summer, we’re going to work on the website side, in order to use the new possibilities provided by php dynamic pages at their best, and to optimize and enhance ergonomics, surfing, interactivity and how the content is displayed, so you’ll have a more comfortable site to browse and refer for anyone looking for infos about the Swedish band. The design might change too when we’ll get more illustrations (and ideas) concerning the new album.

As for you, English guys, we will also do our best to provide you a decent English version of the main content.

When you’ll be registered, you’ll see a box at the head of the column on you right, there are some infos from your profile in there. First is « access to the board », then « unread PMs' », « your profil » and the last « disconnect ». You have to know you can use your account on the board to comment the articles on the site (and you even can comment without being registered).

About the boards, choose the English language when registering and you’ll be in known lands. We created a special English section where you can post how you want…with respect of the rules, of course. If you think your French is good enough to be understandable, we’ll be happy to talk with you in the French topics (and we hope you’ll be nice with the frenchies posting in English :)).

Last but not least, thank you again to join our community that we hope to be aknowledged for its true value.

We hope to see you soon on MSF, take care!


You can register using this link : REGISTER

CyberInflames, Dairadatzu, Fightfirewithfire

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